Thursday, October 20, 2011

Didn't think that would ever hit home?

In the early nineties my Mom had her first epileptic seizure. I remember it to this day, 20 or so years later. I was in bed asleep and all I remember is her boyfriend yelling her name.  We knew there was something wrong. He said get help and we ran and ran as fast as we could to a neighbor’s house to use the phone.  We had no idea what was going on or what else we could do. They went away to the hospital and we stayed with the neighbors. I however do not remember seeing my mother on more than one occasion while she was in the hospital. It’s all blotchy and blurry the time she was gone. 

Mother found out the hard was she had an allergy to Dilantin while in the hospital. 

Mother was diagnosed with epilepsy in the 90’s. 

Didn’t think that would ever hit home….

Today she takes a minimum of two different medications to control her Epilepsy.  One of which, a barbiturate, they are attempting to wean her from and in doing so must compensate and add another.

*photo taken here*

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